Sustainable development 

Sustainable development 
The Hashemite University adopts a pioneering vision in achieving sustainable development and promoting social and environmental awareness in the community. Through a series of initiatives and events, the university works to educate students and the local community about the importance of sustainable development and involve them in its realization. The university has organized awareness campaigns and seminars in various fields of sustainable development and health, along with volunteer activities such as breast examination, smoking cessation workshops, and environmental maintenance. It also provides free medical events for local communities and celebrates various international days.
The university has collaborated with government and private institutions, civil society organizations, and local municipalities to improve the environment and combat drug abuse. In this context, training courses and workshops have been conducted to enhance the skills of youth and employees to meet the requirements of the local market. The Hashemite University also seeks to raise awareness about the dangers of drugs and cybercrimes. Through awareness programs and seminars, the university aims to equip students and the local community with the necessary knowledge to address these challenges.
The message of the university lies in its continuous collaboration with the local community to achieve sustainable development. The university is also committed to achieving economic and leadership empowerment for women and encouraging citizen participation in decision-making. All the events and initiatives offered by the university reflect its serious commitment to its social, environmental, and developmental role in achieving a sustainable and better future for the community and future generations.


Center Achievement in terms of Sustainable development 
Achievement’s report click here 
Center’s agreements and projects click here